Designing an ‘Assignment Wizard’

Before Christmas I was asking for people within the university for ideas about applications that could be developer for them, based around the concept of re-using course data that was already available.

After meeting with a member of staff from the School of Computer Science, we developed an idea around an ‘assignment wizard’, that would make use of the course data already available, such as awards, modules, assessments and staff.

The purpose of this application is to make the process of writing assignment documentation quicker, easier and more accurate. By tying the application in with assessment data, the assessment strategy delivered within the module will be identical to the strategy as defined in the validated module documents.

The expected flow of the applications is :

AssignmentWizardFlow-2As well as reducing the amount of data that has to be entered by academics (such as learning outcomes, module details etc), the versioning and PDF generation will make the writing process more efficient. Further to this, it allows one lecturer to write a part of the assignment brief, and another to log in and complete the assignment.

A follow-up blog post will show the completed application, and start to evaluate it.